Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Module Specification

1.Name of the Course


Communication Design in B.A. (Honours) Degree Programmes

2. Module Code



3. Module Title


Research Project

4. Aim of the Module:

To identify a problem area in communication and propose a solution or direction for the same, supported with research.

5. Contact Hours


80 hours

6. Recommended Independent Study Load


220 hours

7. Module Content:

· Identify a chosen area for research

· Collect information by applying research methods and tools,

· Critically analyse the results, and compile them into a report

· Conceptualize and propose innovative solutions/ directions for further work

8. Indicative Reading:

Yin Robert K., 2002, Case Study Research : Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods), SAGE Publications

Salant Priscilla and Dillman Don A., 1994, How to Conduct Your Own Survey, Wiley

Miles Matthew B. and Huberman Matthew B. Michael, 1994, Qualitative Data Analysis : An Expanded Sourcebook, SAGE Publications

Creswell John W, 2002, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, SAGE Publications

9. Learning & Teaching Methods: Lectures, presentations, portfolio, project

10. Learning Outcomes :

On completion of this module the students will be able to:

· Identify an area of interest

· Demonstrate an ability to initiate research and self-study in the chosen area

· Demonstrate a synthesis of overall diagnostic, analytical, and creative abilities in research

11. Module Assessment


Report 100%

12. Credits




  1. Hi,
    this Module Specification looks similar. a Pearlite??

  2. Hey, yes Communication Design B.A(Hon.) 4th year. :)
